Meeting Minutes


Attendees: Curran J, Isaac W, Ell R, Sam M, Grace K, Rebekah W, Chase H, Ciernan O, Sara R, Luke D, Adriana B, Carter G, Jessie M, Sofia M, Matthew W, Asher K, Vida H, Aspen S

Articles Discussed: None

Minutes: Science fair registration. Students completed form 1 (given to Curran) and form 1A. Form 1B taken home by each member. Students instructed on the importance of not loosing these documents, and were directed to the Science Fair tab of this website (created by Curran) for further instruction associated with the science fair. Curran and Ms. Bullock will enter the information on each Form 1 into AFOR.

This link ( shows the status of projects associated with the journal club.

Article for Next Week:


Attendees: Curran J, Chase H, Vida H, Taylor V, Matthew W, Ciernan O, Sage J, Evie N, 

Articles Discussed: None

Minutes: Wednesday meeting time will be retained for the weeks of 1/10/24 through 3/20/24. Curran (President) will not be available. Ciernan O voted as President Pro Tempore for those meetings. The board will meet to discuss this transition. 

Normal discussion article (see 11/29/23) pushed to 1/3/24 due to poor attendance.

Next meeting (12/13/23) will be the 'Snacks and Science Fair Event'. Rebekah will promote this event on social media. Taylor agreed to source refreshments, and Curran will provide and instruct the completion of required science fair documentation. Ms. Bullock has agreed to be the adult sponsor for the clubs project. 

This link ( shows the status of projects associated with the journal club.

Article for Next Week:


Attendees: Curran J, Matthew W, Chase H, Grace K, Rebekah W, Sage J, Vida H, Asher K, Mathew B, Carter G, Lenna P, Sofia M, Aspen S, Isaac W, Ell R, Sam M, Lucas F, Taylor V

Articles Discussed: None

Minutes: Members with a science IB EE shared their projects in a sort-of poster session. 

Article for Next Week:


Attendees: Curran J, Ciernan O, Grace K, Rebekah W, Sage J, Chase H, Aspen S, Sofia M, Evie N, Vida H, Jack D, Sam M, Asher K, Ella T, Carter G, Lenna P, Mathew B, Kush G, Taylor V, Matthew W, Adri B

Articles Discussed: Whitten, J. L., & Campbell, B. A. (2023). Tesserae: Surface differences across Venus’s “continents”. Geology, 51(10), 899-903. 

Minutes: Attendance and a group photo for BSH yearbook was taken (by Ms. Frye). Curran will submit to yearbook class. IB seniors were recognized for completing their extended essays, and will present them as a mock-poster session at the next club meeting (11/29). Students who completed extended essays were encouraged to consider submitting their EEs to the Northwest Science Expo (NWSE) in march. Resources are found on the 'Resources' page of this website.

Article for Next Week:


Attendees: Curran J, Evie N, Sage J, Isaac W, Ell R, Lucas F, Sofia M, Aspen S, Vida H, Nolan L, Jacquelyn H, Matthew W, Rebekah W, Taylor V, Chase H, Ciernan O

Articles Discussed: He, L., Groom, J. D., Wilson, E. H., Fernandez, J., Konopka, M. C., Beck, D. A., & Lidstrom, M. E. (2023). A methanotrophic bacterium to enable methane removal for climate mitigation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(35), e2310046120. 

Minutes: Attendance was taken. Sofia gave a presentation of her ISEF project and presented a pertinent article. Members voted on an article for next week.

Article for Next Week:


Attendees: Curran J, Mathew B, Ell R, Isaac W, Sam M, Sage J, Ciernan O, Chase H, Sofia M, Aspen S, Vida H, Nollann L, Taylor V, Grace K, Evie N, Matthew W

Articles Discussed: Schreiber, M. R., Belloni, D., Gänsicke, B. T., Parsons, S. G., & Zorotovic, M. (2021). The origin and evolution of magnetic white dwarfs in close binary stars. Nature Astronomy, 5(7), 648-654. 

Minutes: Attendance was taken and candy + Microscopy Today copies were given out. The above article was discussed Members voted on an article for the following week.

Curran and Grace will connect regarding finalizing the formatting guide for Acta Ursae Vol 2 Issue 1. Sofia shared an article for presentation at the Nov 8th meeting. 

Article for Next Week:


Attendees: Curran J, Carter G, Mathew B, Sam M, Taylor V, Grace H, Ell R, Isaac W, Aspen S, Sofia M, Jacquelyn H, Sage J, Laila T, Lucas F, Rebekah W, Luke M, Adriana B, Asher K, Vida H, Nolan L

Articles Discussed: Allard, C. A., Kang, G., Kim, J. J., Valencia-Montoya, W. A., Hibbs, R. E., & Bellono, N. W. (2023). Structural basis of sensory receptor evolution in octopus. Nature, 616(7956), 373-377. 

Minutes: Attendance was taken and candy + Microscopy Today copies were given out. The above article was discussed with an emphasis on techniques for deciphering difficult or technical sections of research papers. Members voted on an article for the following week.

Curran and Grace will connect regarding finalizing the formatting guide for Acta Ursae Vol 2 Issue 1. Sofia shared an article for presentation at the Nov 8th meeting. 

Article for Next Week:


Attendees: Curran J, Isaac W, Vida H, Nolan L, Jacquelin, Chase H, Matthew W, Rebekah W, Taylor V

Articles Discussed: Leigh, D. A., Danon, J. J., Fielden, S. D., Lemonnier, J. F., Whitehead, G. F., & Woltering, S. L. (2021). A molecular endless (74) knot. Nature Chemistry, 13(2), 117-122. 

Minutes: Organization for Inventerprize and NWSE science fairs and potential interests for participation were discussed. Fair websites are now linked on the resources page of this website. Matthew and Chase had interest in submitting the previous water project to the Inventerprize Fair. Curran and Isaac expressed interests in the NWSE competition. 

Potential collaboration with other clubs was discussed (namely Botany Club, Environmental Club, and Writing Club). Curran will reach out to these clubs to coordinate. Participants voted for the subject of this years guest speaker, deciding bioscience. The guest speaker will hence likely originate from COCC, OSU-Cascades, or a local biotech. 

The article was discussed, including commentary on visual rhetoric, organization, and purporse. Next weeks (10/25) article will be used as a guided workshop for 

Article for Next Week:


Attendees: Nolan L, Vida H, Sage J, Taylor V, Rebekah W, Jacquelyn H, Isaac W, Ell R, Ciernan O, Curran J

Articles Discussed: Cravens, A., Payne, J., & Smolke, C. D. (2019). Synthetic biology strategies for microbial biosynthesis of plant natural products. Nature communications, 10(1), 2142.  

Minutes: Members engaged in a warm-up, discussing the value of natural products, and the potential of molecules that have not yet been discovered. The article was presented briefly by Curran J, and discussion followed. Members voted on an article for next week, attached below, and discussed hosting a guest presenter at a future meeting.

Article for Next Week:


Attendees: Curran J, Lucas F, Laila T, Taylor V, Ciernan O, Chase H, Isaac W, Ell R, Grace K, Rebekah W, Jacquelyn H, Nolan L, Vida H, Sofia M, Sage J

Articles Discussed: Eiser A. S. (2005). Physiology and psychology of dreams. Seminars in neurology, 25(1), 97–105. 

Minutes: Ted Talk ( about waste clearance in the brain was shown and the experimental methods and ethics were discussed. The article (Eiser) was discussed for the remainder of the meeting. The article for next week will be decided via a poll on the Instagram account, and the selected article will be attached below.

UPDATE: 10/5/23

Article for Next Week:



Articles Discussed: n/a

Minutes: Consolidation with the STEM club is final and other representatives will represent the club at the BSH club rush event next week. An Instagram for the greater STEM club will be created, and a discussion of a spring field trip was discussed. Lonza's Inventerprize will be a key fundraising focus of the journal club, likely submitting the collaborative project pertaining the the Inventerprize theme of water, without major updates. 


Attendees: Curran J, Rebekah W, Chase H, Grace K, Matthew W, Lucas F, Laila T, Johnen G, John C, Ash, Sam M, Carter G, Jack D, Ciernan, Isaac W, Ella R, Sophia M, Vida H, Et Al.

Articles Discussed: N/A

Minutes: Club members began by introducing themselves to the club, as many new members were new to the club. The purpose and mission statement of the club was shared with the members, including the structure of weekly meetings and workshops, the student-led publication, fundraising, and science-fair participations. Acta Ursae 1(1) was presented to the club and contact information was disseminated.  

The article for next week was selected by vote and is attached below. Financial information awaits discussion with Ms. Frye until consolidation as STEM Club.

Article for Next Week:


Attendees: Curran J, Rebekah W, Chase H, Grace K, Matthew W, Lucas F, Laila T,

Articles Discussed: N/A

Minutes: Overview of the purpose and conclusions in last week's board meeting were discusses with general members of the club. Rebekah was asked to make an Instagram post between this first meeting and the second meeting and Grace was asked to browse journals for format inspiration for Acta Ursae. 

Access stratgies for articles behind paywalls were discussed. We have access to certain journals through the following institutions: COCC, OSU, Summit Alliance, and NYU. 

Potential articles were selected for next week, which are attached below. Participants joint the remind for text updates. 

Article for Next Week:


Attendees: Curran J, Rebekah W, Chase H (Board Meeting)

Articles Discussed: N/A

Minutes: Board meeting (Grace absent) to discuss the organization and goals of the club for the first academic year. 

Engagement of members from grades 9-11 was discussed, with Rebekah agreeing to make an Instagram post prior to the first public meeting. Other strategies included making flyers on Canva, providing refreshments to future public meetings, using the school announcements, and promoting the club to Honors biology classes.

Regarding finances, an event, such as a science night or science Olympiad was discussed with the goal of raising $250 (as the club is still ineligible for school and grant funding). This will be discussed in more detail at future board meetings. 

The presentation style was changed from elective to assigned, where publications for the following week will be decided and distributed at the end of the current week. Chase is selecting an article for the following week. 

Past Minutes (Prior to 2023-2024 Academic Year)