Past Meeting Minutes


Attendees: Curran J, Rebekah W, Grace K, Sophie F, Taylor V, Chase H

Articles Discussed: N/A

Minutes: This was the final meeting of the club for the 2022-2023 school year. Meeting will resume next year on a TBD schedule. Refreshments were shared and officers for next year were elected. A special congratulation was given to Sophie, who is the club's first graduating senior. 


Attendees: Curran J, Rebekah W, Grace K, Sophie F, Kiernan, Taylor V, Chase H

Articles Discussed: N/A

Minutes: No articles were discussed and the club resumed meeting after pausing for IB/AP testing and other finals. The logistics of maintaining sovereign leadership of Journal Club while incorporating with the larger STEM club for fundraising and field trips was discussed between Curran, Taylor, and Mrs. Frye. Leadership positions for next year were discussed and desired positions are:

Chase H: 1) Discussion Lead, 2) Communications Officer

Grace K: 1) Journal Advisory, 2) Communications Officer

Kiernan: 1) Discussion Lead, 2) Journal Advisory

Rebekah W: 1) Discussion Lead, 2) Communications Officer

Elections will take place next week. 

Some fundraising brainstorming took place, but we are in consultation with the STEM club for potential involvement in their fundraisers next year. Graduation cords for seniors were ordered and will also be distributed next week. Acta Ursae is in process of publication. 


Attendees: Curran J, Rebekah W, Grace K, Sophie F, Kiernan, Taylor V, Chase H, Matthew W

Articles Discussed: Graham, A. M., & Barreto, F. S. (2019). Novel microRNAs are associated with population divergence in transcriptional response to thermal stress in an intertidal copepod. Molecular Ecology, 28(3), 584–599.

Minutes: Article was discussed as a group. Kiernan presented an article for the next week. A possible merger with the mathematics and botany club was discussed between Curran and Taylor. 

Article For Next Week


Attendees: Kiernan, Matthew

Articles Discussed: n.a

Minutes: n/a

Article For Next Week

Personal Devices BLS Devices


Attendees: Curran J, Rebekah W, Grace K, Sophie F, Kiernan, Taylor V, Chase H, Matthew W

Articles Discussed:Bebbington, K., & Groothuis, T. G. G. (2021). Who listens to mother? A whole-family perspective on the evolution of maternal hormone allocation. Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 96(5), 1951–1968. 

Minutes: Article was discussed as a group. An article was selected for the next week.

Article For Next Week

Personal Devices BLS Devices


Attendees: Curran J, Rebekah W, Grace K, Sophie F, Kiernan, Taylor V, Chase H, Kush G

Articles Discussed: Brady, S. N., Yu, Y., Maggi, L. B., Jr, & Weber, J. D. (2004). ARF impedes NPM/B23 shuttling in an Mdm2-sensitive tumor suppressor pathway. Molecular and cellular biology, 24(21), 9327–9338. 

Minutes: Awards and Judge Comments from NWSE were shared by Curran. The article was discusses, and members voted for next weeks article. Furthermore, students were notified of the upcoming deadline to submit work to our journal.

Article for Next Week


Attendees: Curran J, Rebekah W, Grace K, Sophie F, Layla T, Ben O, Braeden M, Chase H 

Articles Discussed: Absolute Configuration of the Polyketide Natural Product (−)-Enterocin Lilla Koser, Corentin Grassin, Christian Merten, and Thorsten Bach Organic Letters 2022 24 (38), 6903-6907
DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.2c02525

Minutes: Poster requirements for NWSE were discussed. Curran sourced a 48x36 posterboard. A GoFundMe with a target of 175 dollars was created to cover all anticipated debits for the 2022-2023 school year. A card was made for the science fair mentor, Ms. Bullock, and the article for next week was selected. Reminder, there will be no meeting next week due to the school closure for spring break. Enjoy the time off. 

Article for Next Week

Background: Nucleophosmin (NPM) is a protein found in the cell's innermost compartment, the nucleolus. Nucleophosmin must be moved into the nucleus for cells to divide and proliferate normally. Under cancerous conditions, a new protein is made, ARF, which sequesters nucleophosmin outside of the nucleolus, resulting in cell death. However, a malicious cancerous protein MDM2 sequesters the ARF, potentially allowing for the cancerous cell to proliferate as normal.


Attendees: Curran J, Rebekah W, Matthew W, Grace K, Sophie F

Articles Discussed: Urbanus, E., Swaab, H., Tartaglia, N., Stumpel, C., & van Rijn, S. (2023). Structural and pragmatic language in young children with sex chromosome trisomy (XXX, XXY, XYY): Predictive value for neurobehavioral problems one year later. The Clinical neuropsychologist, 37(3), 650–675. 

Minutes: We returned to normal article discussions, and discusses the values and limitations of the paper above. The logistics of printing posters and attending the NWSE on April 3rd were also discussed. Access next week's article here:

Personal Devices Bend Lapine Schools Devices


Attendees: Curran J, Chase H, Rebekah W, Matthew W, Braeden M, Ben O, Grace K, Sophie F, Colin M, Luke M, 

Articles Discussed: None

Minutes: Celebrating our several awards from the COCC Regional Science Exposition, we took photos for the Bend High yearbook and discussed the logistics of attending the Northwest Regional Science Exposition. Next week, we will return to normal article discussions.


Attendees: Curran J, Chase H, Rebekah W, Matthew W

Articles Discussed: None

Minutes: Chase, Rebekah, and Matthew presented our water quality research to a panel of jusges from the COCC regional science exposition. We won 3rd place for the life sciences, as well as the Outstanding Geoscience Project Award, the Cultivating Empathy for the Earth award, and the Stockholm Junior water prize. We will have the opportunity to present our research at the NWSE state fair on April 3rd, as well as at the Stockholm State Water Exposition. Honorable mention to member Curran Jacobus who will be competing at the International Science and Engineering Fair with his independent project. 


Attendees: Curran J, Grace K, Sophie F,  Chase H, Matthew W.

Articles Discussed: None

Minutes: Finishing touches were discussed for the science fair project. Chase was instructed on carography, and the rest of the paper was split between attending members. Curran voluntered to complete the slideshow before its due date on 2/24. 


Attendees: Curran J, Grace K, Sophie F, Rebekah W, Kush G, Ben O, Braden M, Chase H, Memphis M

Articles Discussed: None

Minutes: An overview of the writing process was conducted and more paragraphs for writing were added to the shared paper in google docs. The club shared donuts and welcomed a new member to the club. Curran and Chase discussed data analysis and cartography for the current NWSE project, and settled on a deadline for final data analysis and map production by 2/17/23. Members were asked if they had any manuscripts from Internal Assessments or Extended Essays which they would like to contribute to Acta Ursae.


Attendees: Curran J, Grace K, Sophie F, Rebekah W, Kush G, Matthew W, Ben O, Braden M, Chase H

Articles Discussed: None

Minutes: Members updated the club on the progress of their assigned tasks and the remainder of the allocated club time was spent answering questions any individuals had. Writing was opened and Curran, Kush, and Chase began data analysis. 


Attendees: Curran J, Grace K, Sophie F, Rebekah W, Kush G, Matthew W, Ben O, Braden M, Chase H

Articles Discussed: None

Minutes: Members updated the club on the progress of their assigned tasks and the remainder of the allocated club time was spent answering questions any individuals had. Writing was opened and Curran, Kush, and Chase began discussing data analysis. 


Attendees: Curran J, Grace K, Sophie F, Rebekah W, Kush G, Matthew W, Ben O, Braden M, Chase H

Articles Discussed: None

Minutes: Members updated the club on the progress of their assigned tasks and the remainder of the allocated club time was spent answering questions any individuals had. Individuals were sent home with more sample collection containers to collect different samples of domestic water. 


Attendees: Curran J, Grace K, Sophie F, Rebekah W, Kush G, Matthew W, Ben O, Braden M, Chase H

Articles Discussed: None

Minutes: Members updated the club on the progress of their assigned tasks and the remainder of the allocated club time was spent answering questions any individuals had.


Attendees: Curran J, Grace K, Sophie F, Rebekah W, Kush G, Matthew W, Ben O, Braden M, Colin M, Lucas F, Layla T

Articles Discussed: None

Minutes: The club organized and outlined the procedure for its group submission to the local science fair. The experiment was decided to be comparing the water hardness at different locations in Bend, and investigating if it correlated with water provider, income, water distribution, and other social or environmental factors. The attendees were split into work groups, and sent home with vials for domestic water collection for analysis at a future meeting. 


Attendees: Curran J, Grace K, Sophie F, Chase H, Rebekah W, Luke M, Kush G, Matthew W

Articles Discussed: 

Minutes: Donuts were shared to promote attendance, and the club  welcomed a new member.  The members talked about their breaks. Chase shared an article about the correlation between earthquakes and snowfall in Japan, and shared the local relevance of this article. Questions regarding the article were asked, and answered by Chase. 


Attendees: Curran J, Isaac W, Grace K, Sophie F, Chase H, Layla T, Lucas F, Rebekah W

Articles Discussed: 

Minutes: Chase presented his literature review about phantom limb pain, and the club discussed the differences between literature reviews, articles, and other types of publication. The club then played a game, where the person who found an article by only searching with the given information (title, authors, citation, DOI, etc.) was rewarded. The club then was instructed about the new attendance scheme. Finally, Isaac reported about the rate of crystal growth in his electrolytic cell. 


Attendees: Curran J, Isaac W, Grace K, Sophie F, Chase H, Layla T, Lucas F, Rebekah W

Articles Discussed: 

Minutes: Chase presented his literature review about phantom limb pain, and the club discussed the differences between literature reviews, articles, and other types of publication. The club then played a game, where the person who found an article by only searching with the given information (title, authors, citation, DOI, etc.) was rewarded. The club then was instructed about the new attendance scheme. Finally, Isaac reported about the rate of crystal growth in his electrolytic cell. 


Attendees: Curran J, Matthew W, Grace K, Sophie F, Chase H, Layla T, Lucas F

Articles Discussed: 

Minutes: The club welcomed two new attendees, and members introduced themselves to one another.  Discussed goals and objectives of the club as covered in  this slideshow. Due to faulty wifi, the slideshow on the anatomy of journal articles was not presented to the two new members. Chase shared his article about the development of electromyographic arm prosthesis, and some of the design and engineering challenges. Chase was commended for his preface in his article, which included a glossary of helpful terms for the article. Matthew presented his article about the correlation of different medical instruments for measuring scoliosis, and kyphosis, and the importance of standardized measurements was discusses. Additionally, all members were given business cards to pass out to friends in order to recruit new members to the club. A new attendance scheme was initiated where students will be rewarded for 3 consecutive attendances, and for bringing a new member to the club.


Attendees: Curran J, Matthew W, Grace K, Rebekah W, Sophie F, Kush G, Isaac W, Chase H, Jake B

Articles Discussed: 

Minutes: The club welcomed two new attendees, and members introduced themselves to one another.  Discussed goals and objectives of the club as covered in  this slideshow. Also discussed was the anatomy of journal articles as covered in this slideshow. An initiative of working closely with the Healthcare Occupations Club to improve attendance was also debated by the members. Curran presented an article dictating the medicinal chemistry of the novel Paxlovid therapy for use in cases of acute COVID-19. A question and answer session was held about the article, including questions about toxicity, binding specificity, the timeline of drug discovery, and formulation. As this article was the only one presented this week, it was nominated article of the week. Rebekkah and Grace were given business cards to recruit additional members to the club during the following week. 


Attendees: Curran J, Matthew W, Grace K, Rebekah W, Sophie, Kush G, Isaac W 

Articles Discussed: 

Minutes: Club members were interviewed by a representative of the school yearbook for inclusion in the extracurricular section. Candidates for joining the club were discussed, and a list was created of students who would likely demonstrate interest in the club. Matthew shared an article about the successful identification of progestin receptors in the rat hippocampus, and its implications for understanding the complex role of neurotransmitters in cognition. Also, the contents of a 'Materials and Methods' section was discussed, as this article raised many good points about the nature of the scientific process. Additionally, the club discussed what to do when an experimental method does not work. The club also talked about improvements to the chemical safety policy at Bend Senior High School before Curran shared an article he brought. Curran shared a 2008 paper produced by Bend Research (now Lonza), a local enterprise, outlining a method to improve small molecule pharmacokinetics through hydroxypropyl methylcellulose acetate succinate (HPMCAS) spray-dried dispersions. This article was nominated as the article of the week. 


Attendees: Curran J, Matthew W, Grace K, Rebekah W, Sophie 

Articles Discussed: 

Minutes: Discussed goals and objectives of the club as covered in  this slideshow. Curran shared and article about the synthesis of an organic molecule resembling a knot. This prompted discussion about the meaningfullness of articles and whether articles should not be published on ethical grounds. Then Grace shared an article about splitting sleep between the day and the night and its impact on memory. This prompted much discussion about the importance of sleep, and some new research in the field of sleep, such as the notion that sleep may have evolved before the brain, and the role of sleep as a metabolic process. This article was nominated as the article of the week.


Attendees: Curran J, Grace K, Isaac W, Matthew W, Kush G, Rebekah W

Articles Discussed: 

Minutes: The club discussed strategies to grow attendance and agreed to recruiting two new members each within the next week. Additionally, information about the science fair (NWSE) was shared with members. To being the article sessions, Kush shared a paper about the effects of cannabis on the developing adolescent brain, and the club discussed the results, limitations, and experimental methods used in the study. Isaac shared a paper about the exclusion of water and DMSO around a hydrophobic solute, and identified that there was not sufficient technology to study this effect. The club also extended this paper to the discrepancy of biological vs bulk water. Lastly, Curran shared an original paper that he is using for his HL Chem IA which effectively estimated the solubility of different molecular replacements for the primary amide in drug molecules, and the structure and writing style of the IA was discusses. The club nominated Kush's presentation as the article of the week.


Attendees: Curran J, Grace K, Isaac W, Matthew W

Articles Discussed: 

Minutes: Discussed goals and objectives of the club as covered in this slideshow. The club also reviewed how to find papers in free databases using DOIs. Matthew shared a literature review about the effects of phytoestrogens on several endocrine l subsystems in the human body. After the article was shared, the differences between literature reviews and traditional articles was discussed. Matthew also made good note of confidence in the data he presented, and how that informed his conclusions. Additionally, we also identified that the article he presented was poorly organized and discussed ways to correct it. 


Attendees: Curran J, Kush G, Matthew W, Nolan K, Rebekah W

Articles Discussed: 

Minutes: Nolan presented his original research and findings in his Extended Essay, as well as some details of his tips for thr writing process. Nolan emphasized the importance of a solid background section in literature, and discussed how breaking up a larger report into smaller pieces can benefit the reader by isolating only relevant and easy-to-understand information. Balancing a length constraint and scientific scope of the paper was also discussed.


Attendees: Curran, Kush, Matthew

Articles Discussed: none

Minutes: Discussed goals and objectives of the club as covered in  this slideshow.