Bend Senior High Journal Club


Journal Club is a space for BSH students wishing to apply themselves to practical scientific research no matter their area of interest through mentorship and collaborative Discussion

The Club provides many resources for students including:


We meet every Wednesday Lunch in S-14 (Ms. Friesen's Room). This club is welcome to science students of all backgrounds, abilities, and interests. The main goal of the club is to enjoy geeking out about cool science together and to develop our abilities to communicate effectively as scientists. Science is complicated to understand and communicate. It is our goal to equip motivated students with the abilities to both comprehend and produce research in generally accepted scientific formats.


The Founder/President of this club is Curran Jacobus, a current senior at BSH. 

The Club Advisor is Heidi Friesen, an International Baccalaureate chemistry and physics teacher at Bend Senior High.

The Discussion Lead is Chase Hayden, a senior at BSH. 

Editor in Chief of Acta Ursae is Grace Kelley, a current senior at BSH. 

Our Communications Manager is Rebekah White, a current senior at BSH. 


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